Facts About Fresh Juice

Want to know more about Chiropractic Care?

What is Chiropractic? Chiropractic is a form of hands-on musculoskeletal healthcare, performed by university trained Doctors. Chiropractic looks at the joints in the body using a combination of orthopaedic & neurological examination. Chiropractic seeks to optimise the range and quality of motion at joints, to thereby reduce pain, aches, tenderness and inflammation. Chiropractic also aims to decrease nerve compression or restriction, which has more global effects on the body. I have had ...


Since the 2008 Beijing Olympics the popularity of kinesiology tape has increased dramatically. The colorful tape that many athletes were seen wearing is known as ROCKTAPE, a premium kinesiology tape. Not only has there been a huge surge in its use, there has been increasing amounts of research into the properties of the tape. The tape which has been around since the 1970’s is used by many elite athletes particularly in cycling, tennis, rugby and soccer. However, it is not limited to Olympi...

Beat Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain (LBP) is one of the most prevalent conditions we see at Bodysmart and most people throughout their life will experience back pain in some way shape or form. The Lumbar spine (L1-5) is frequently involved in back pain, as these vertebrae carry the most of our body weight and receive the largest stresses along the spine. The most common injuries to the lower back include disc herniations, ligament and muscle strains, pinched nerves and facet joint injuries. So what are the s...

SuperFoods for Summer

Superfoods have incredible health benefits, packing a powerful nutritional punch that helps protect against cancer and heart disease, lower cholesterol, protect the organs from toxins and improve digestive health. Some nutritionists even say superfoods can help you live longer. Once you start consuming superfoods on a regular basis, you will start noticing the difference in not just how you feel, but also how you look. 10 easy to eat SUPERFOODS 1. Broccoli: This vegetable is loaded wit...

High Heel Risks

Women often sacrifice comfort for fashion, skipping a meal to fit into that dress or risking hypothermia because no jacket goes with the outfit. It is a philosophy said best by French Impressionist painter Pierre Auguste-Renoir, "the pain passes, but beauty remains”. When it comes to wearing high heels this quote couldn’t be more incorrect. The pain does not pass and can lead to long term damage. What are high heels doing to our bodies and how can we minimize the damage? Recent research sug...