Bodysmart client loses a massive 50kg!

Bodysmart client loses a massive 50kg!

Bodysmart client Chris has lost an INCREDIBLE 50kg since Feb this year!

Functional Training Weight Loss
Functional Training_Chris Tesky_50kg down

In Feb this year Chris decided he needed to make some drastic health changes in his life. At the time a short walk is all he could manage, he was about to turn 40 and weighed 175kgs; a far cry from the days of his athletic youth playing Rugby. Functional Training Weight Loss

Chris reports that he became more sedentary through his commitment to working long hours, which started with his PHD studies after undergrad uni finished.  As he gained weight he had less motivation to exercise and this was a key reason for the big gains in weight over time. Chris was also carrying a few injuries from the old rugby days.

Chris set himself some massive, life changing goals and a realistic timeline. Initially Chris made some key, but sustainable changes to his diet and eating habits and started to see some progress.

As Chris lived on a bus route, he then started some light walking to and from work (approx 2km) jumping on a bus to help break the distance down.  As his tolerance to exercise improved he ramped up his walking distance and started training in his apartment gym. Unfortunately the increased load on his knees, legs and feet threatened to stop his progress.  He also was not sure which exercises to avoid flare up of his injuries. Unfortunately before long Chris developed shin splints and knee pain, and needed to cut back again.

A work colleague recommended that Chris see a Physio at Bodysmart.  Chris saw Physio Christian Eyres who quickly worked to settle down Chris’s niggles.  Christian then started working one on one with Chris in Bodysmart’s functional training gym.  Chris was taught to move better in the gym which allowed him to get back to training in his apartment gym pain free.

In April Chris started to supplement his apartment work outs with Group Functional Training at Bodysmart. These high intensity interval sessions allowed Chris to exercise at higher intensity under the supervision and technique corrections of our Physiotherapy instructors with exercise modifications for his injuries.  Initially Chris started attending one session per week then gradually increased to 2 sessions per week in May and then 3 x per week in June. At the end of September Chris added his forth weekly group training session.

Functional Training Weight Loss

Functional Training Chris Tesky_group functional training

Concurrently Chris commenced and progressed his running, now managing to run  a massive 18km daily (13km in the morning and 5km in the evening)!  He continues to train on the other days in the apartment gym, but is looking to transition to an unlimited membership – so that he can perform all gym based sessions at Bodysmart. Chris reports being 100% pain free and more energetic than ever.

Functional Training Chris Tesky_lifting 50kg

Chris’s goal now is to lose another 25 kg by Feb next year bringing his weight under 100kg.  From there the last stage is to get down to 90 kg and cement his weight there as an ongoing healthy weight target.

Thanks for allowing us to sharing your story and well done Chris! – we have loved being part of your transformation and wish you ongoing success in smashing your goals going forward!

There is a lot to take from Chris’s journey. Many people have a barrier to achieving life changing goals – whether it is lack of time, an injury preventing ability to exercise or not knowing where to start or what to do.  Making the decision to change needs to come from you, but when it comes to the rest, we have your back!  The team at Bodysmart can help you to overcome the obstacles to your progress, through advice on managing injuries, food intake and keeping an eye on your form and progress.  We can work with you one on one or in a small or large group to make the journey a sustainable and achievable one for you.

We are here to help, are you ready to change your life? Functional Training Weight Loss