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Injury Info

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain - Causes, Effects & Management Low Back Pain is disabling in nature and can restrict activities of daily living. The most common underlying injuries contributing to low back pain include; Muscle tear Muscle spasm Facet joint sprain Disc injuries or protrusion Nerve impingement or irritation Joint degeneration or arthritis Multiple factors influence the development of low back pain, and...

Shoulder Pain in Perth CBD

Understanding Shoulder Pain The shoulder joint allows for a considerable amount of movement, leading it to being vulnerable to injury and shoulder pain. Injury results in pain and restriction with overhead movement, reaching behind the back and lifting objects, and occurs mostly commonly through sport and exercise, however some pathologies are of an insidious onset. The location of shoulder pain varies depending...

Knee pain

What causes knee pain and how do you treat it? Knee pain is most commonly seen in active individuals and can present due to a number of reasons, such as long distance running, excessive squatting and contact injuries from sport. Pain can be aggravated by movements such as squatting and bending, single leg loading, running, going up and down stairs, and also...

Thoracic Spine Pain

What causes thoracic spine pain and how to reduce symptoms? Thoracic spine pain or mid back pain can be largely disabling and result in high pain levels. Although it is not as common as low back or neck pain, it is still a common occurrence, especially in people who are mostly sedentary through the day.   Postural mid back pain Mid back pain...

Hip Pain

Hip Pain - Symptoms, Diagnoses and Treatment Hip pain affects many activities of daily living and can be debilitating. It is commonly resultant from sporting participation in twisting and pivoting sports such as soccer and football, although can present due to long distance running and even in the older, sedentary population. Commonly, hip pain is of a gradual onset with the slow...