Physio BikeFit

Do you love cycling? Have you fallen out of love with cycling? Or perhaps you just want your bike to do what it’s told and get you to work and back? Our bike-fitting Physio Anthony loves cycling as much as the long macchiato at the end of a river loop ride, and he wants to help you too!  So whether you are a commuter, a group ride leader (or maybe you’re really a domestique), a triathlete who just wants more aero, or if you’re in the market for a new bike and you want to make sure you get something that fits you properly… we can help with a Bodysmart Physio Bikefit!     WHAT IS A PHYSIO BIKEFIT? Bike Fit Perth CBD Having a specially trained and qualified Physiotherapist perform your bikefit gives you a distinct … Continue reading Physio BikeFit